Take a Tree Walk!
Summer is almost here, and with long days and hot weather right around the corner, what better way to celebrate than to take a tree walk! But what just is a tree walk? Tree walks are free community events hosted by Trees for Seattle, a community outreach project aimed at
Summer is almost here, and with long days and hot weather right around the corner, what better way to celebrate than to take a tree walk! But what just is a tree walk?
Tree walks are free community events hosted by Trees for Seattle, a community outreach project aimed at getting people engaged with the urban forest. These walks are led by Tree Ambassadors - volunteers from the community who wish to share their love for trees and show off their favorite neighborhood trees. Walks are usually on the weekend, and are about an hour in length. While they do require some physical exertion, it is minimal and these tree walks are definitely fun for the whole family.
Many tree walks have a theme. From observations on right tree right place, to honoring historic Olmstead planning, you will walk away from each event with a better sense of how to identify trees, as well as a newfound sense of place in the city we inhabit.
There are over 50 tree walks within Seattle and many more along the way. Perhaps the best thing about tree walks is that they can be accessed online, allowing you to go on one whenever you please! A detailed listing of them can be found here, or for the more tech-savvy, an app can be found here.
For those who prefer a fun event, a list of of tree walk happenings can be found on the website here.
A selection of Seattle Tree Care staff favorites include the following:
- Hiawatha Playfield Tree Walk: This historic tree walk takes place at the Hiawatha Playfield in West Seattle. Tour the historic playfield that was once the largest playground in Seattle. Created by the Olmsted Brothers, some of the original trees still remain.
- South Park Tree Walk: This tree walk is a favorite because it demonstrates the importance of the work that arborists do: highlighting the importance of choosing the right tree for the right place. Learn more about how arborists approach trees in the urban environment on this great walk.
- Ballard Salmon Tree Walk: Did you know salmon still swim through Ballard? Take this tree walk to envision the Seattle of the past and the wildlife that still persists to this day.
- Green Lake Tree Walk: If you live in Seattle, you are certain to take at least one trip to Green Lake this summer. Why not learn about what trees surround the lake? This walk has the added bonus of having an interactive map as well.
Hope you have the chance to go on a tree walk soon!
Logan Steinharter
STC Consulting Arborist & Permit Specialist
Tree Ambassador
ISA Certified Arborist PN-8786A
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