Arborist Tips & Seasonal News

August 13 2018

Tree Care

Removing a Tree? Consider Creating a Nurse Log!

While we don’t typically associate trees with hospitals, an arborist is, above all, a tree surgeon, and what is a surgeon without a nurse? Much like wildlife snags, nurse logs further prove that trees are of a great benefit to us, even after they have deceased.   Nurse logs are downed trees that are left…
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June 27 2018

Tree Care

Plant a Free Tree with Trees for Seattle!

Summer is here, the sun is (finally) out and you need an excuse to don the gardening gloves and grab a spade. Or maybe you just had a tree removed, and are eager to replant but don’t know where to begin. Look no further than Trees for Seattle! Trees for Seattle is the City of…
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May 30 2018

Tree Care

Why Hire an ISA Certified Arborist?

Picking the right arborist can be tricky, especially in a city like Seattle with so many options to choose from! Fortunately, there is a way to prune some of those not-so-suitable candidates from top-notch choices. Just how do you this? The answer lies in the credentials, and in the world of arboriculture, one certification stands…
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January 12 2018

Tree Care

Pruning During The Winter

  Did you know that the best time to prune your deciduous trees is during the winter? According to the International Society of Arboriculture, one of the many benefits of pruning during the dormant season is that it allows the wounds from the pruning cuts to heal more quickly. Trees do this by creating a…
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November 23 2017

Tree Care

Inspect These 3 Parts Of Your Tree Before The Next Storm

In Seattle, we get strong wind storms throughout the fall and winter. The impacts of these storms on trees can be very severe especially if your trees already have structural flaws. The best way to increase the safety of your trees is to inspect them. Here are three different parts of the tree to look…
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November 4 2016

Tree Care

Seattle Tree Care b(LOG)

Welcome to Seattle Tree Care After 15 years of working in the Arboriculture industry in Seattle, company owner Peter Gruenwoldt is pleased to introduce Seattle Tree Care. Why the name change from Treecycle? We started out with a mission to provide high quality tree service and to find the best use for removed trees. While…
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